
there's no success like failure, and failure's no success at all

which is rightly Nobel quality poetry, but i still don't know what it really means... 

except, i do know what letting go, and not being ones'self' means and how jolly good it is for the soul and the creative side, too...

I do several things - writing, making, pontificating, waffling into my dictaphone, so so so much more interesting than this...

That said, only on Easter Monday did one small piece of a jigsaw puzzle slot into place, regarding the rest of life... that started 20years ago. 

I know it is very very very good. And will make an even better film. I don't need anyone really as collaborator....  especially as it is already in the can...

Thing i do not really 'get' is who on earth thinks so much of themselves that they waste their time sticking £1  into a Kickstarter, then a few weeks later take sit back?  what sad little utterly irrelevant existences they must have .....

I am the lucky one. This 'case' - though to the average browser and scanner, may seem complex and multi faceted, was only ever about one simplest thing: that ALL significant and healthy, useful,   attachments between a young child and safe and decent adults,  must be cherished ... no matter what....

It is the key to everything.  Especially inner centredness and peace throughout life. Especially if one is as fortunate as I to have had mine with  Ralph the old countryman, so many years...  who's presence even today, within, despite him being six foot under  - in his unmarked woodland grave, for 15 years, is the only vaccination there ever will be  against the may tough things life throws up. 

And luckily, i write, enjoyably, elsewhere, about how that is no longer the way of this land.  In which case anyone that stays here is utterly insane, and their kids will be eaten by the fairies, the average latterday 'campaigner' seems to think somehow will keep society sane....

 Wankers one and all.... it is hard long long long thankless work.... do the work.... the real version. Face to face. Online does not do anything for anyone...real...