Now there is a ton of this nonsense..... all of which basically says the same thing since the dreadful young barrister supposedly on my side (paif for by your pension pot cash) bullied me with her skinny asian (rather enjoyable) body and young woman long swish hair into fuckin off and doing what she said or else she would fuck off and not represent me in september 2002 me saying it WAS shared care and will stay so as there is no reason in law that should not continue...
The big one i forget where it is....and actually do write outdoors in a lovely layby with full sunshine where there is just me an a nearby rewilding project and some perfect woods.... so as to aoid the energy thieves back at my base who may be coming to thieve my belongings to swap for many month unpaid (unlawful council tax) ...all i need is in my head. For the rest of life...
(this photo is Not FOR YOU.... is just one of many similar i have taken the last week to share with only one person in my recently resterted actually enjoyable ultrablogs about real soul stuff....for only one person....cos they played their games again 3 years ago and as a result yet again i could not take forward a meeting - 8 hour conversation, i near killed her..... but she alone, and has met The Queen of her country not this and HAS successfully run serious social enterprises and more important than anything esle she admitted to me she had FAILED.... seven ears on one....20 another....she had even built an arts centre with her bare hands for displaced scrofulous refugees.... i checked her hands for lies....but she laughed...we laughed at it all "you can be kidnap consultant since it happened to you too..." she alone knew as the |Portuguese say "there are three sides to every story, hers his and the truth.." except she hasnt seen the legal papers i cannot show you...or rather can i? even i dont know what their stupid lore is and i am world fuckin expert in it... and i dont drink but once every few years so have a bril memory... anyway yes ... i have to get her 'back'...and this is actually only for that reason so i dont care about one viewer or reader or anyone else....only one person my age ever answered the "Bertrand question ".... properly..."So Mister |Russel as he aged and smelt more of amonia than expensive cologne ... he got rantier and indeed so nuclear he even founded CND .... will you as you rot and moulder become like all the rest, so fat and conformist and terified of frightening the horses as no one will let you ride any more.... unless you are twee and anodyne....or will you be a Bertie..... ?
"let me think...."
"i must.... be a Bertie...i can only be Bertie..."
i shall find it soon.
If anyone does bore themselves reading any of this
well on YOUR taxpayer pension pot to pay for the pot they may have well have smoked writing so called judgements; the amount of even BASIC spelling errors like name of most famous child in legal whatnot .... which hurts and can you imagine the faith that leaves in their so called judgements of Solomon....
yes there are many errors.... never mind biggest load of nonsense ever in a 'judgement' by three 250 grand a year so called judges
but the gist is all its ever about after its just about a few well established facts - no issue with dad was one from DAY 1 after a load of poo thrown in and no punishment to the pooper which may have solved the matter day one.... (excep that all stays private forever cos its not about sad women and the lies they tell as EVERY one of the many senior wimmin journos spke with me admitted "we all know many more women than chaps lie to courts" sorry just reporting facts which to me is a further infantilisation so saddened me - have TOTAL equality....absolute Scandinavian total gender equality perfection which all my babe friends demanded 40 years ago quite rightly and not one man ever ever dared speak up for any counter viewpoint.....but hurting some innocent chap in the process.... cos its very very very lifelong traumatic - hurts more than even a nasty punch or attack with a pipe! ... i still remember every sad word.... those silly punches or Pipemen you forget soon enough never mind surely to achieve justice or equality by false means surely that somehow devalues the most overdue essential victory.... ! just a thought...
Now in fact although just a technicality.... i did NOT NEED AT ALL to pursue this:
But it sort of is the one i so fondly remember.
this the most drafty draft:
Justice Hedley re Z judgement (by consent) comes out that summer - thats the big one except in fact the other bit also essentially by consent Dad could carry on waffling to media sometimes was actually said to be perfectly ok by Angel Kirk QC ('for' mother....ehh i am not so sure) in June 2005 and Hedley was told just he had to go away and think a few weeks what his 'judgement' was in respect of a High Court gagging order Injunction (your Daily Mail wont tell you they are firkin serious as if you trip ip and accidentally yell some name down the steps of the local newspaper you are gagged yelling you can get two years BUT in reality it is FOUR years as its the one field of punishment (i think only one) you dont get out at half time... and you also get beaten daily in your cell and left in solitary basically - that may not be true but carious standard prisoner privileges are restricted for the 'contemptor' ...or is it contemnor? i got no time for this yabber.....super baddies...
So, July or was it June "Ian[goes to cocktail parties Wall attends and all the rest of his fawning court], Hedley is on drugs.... he is still gagging me...."
"ehh lad no way of doing anything about that .... no one ever beats injunctions.... or secrecy i know em cocktail parties it never comes up as its considered that way forever ... silence..."
"doesnt effect me i mean my story is mainly out and as we know i am the ONLY one who got swift justice... the way they are paid to provide it as of April 2004 'you will go back to shared care..please ...[otherside] ...or else..' world record sane judge.... the only reason i would tell Singh about my burgeoning boring TV carer ... he always worked.... THE OPTION TO....
"i shall have to ponder...have a rest even i was a bit freaked going to see Hedley after my introduction to him by attacking faxes... i mean it was unlikely but i thought he could...just ruin my life...or more important my daughter's..."
FF a few weeks
"look i have absolutely nothing to lose....the judgements being printed in The Bible Jordans in full...they cannot hurt me now ..i care not if i ever do another dull minute of tv .... even though the last time Karen and Graham from ITV came and theres Esti she knows her dad is gagged from mentioning her but shes doing that manic bouncing up and down thing behind me as they are filming i mean fuck me.... she gets it.... what a gag...."
"thats our gal....i knew she was one of us moment i met her.....that cheeky grin.... her ferrets....."
"oh yes she loves her birthday presies you alone are a true angel..."
"look .... i phoned JJ Tim Griff they all basically say bugger off they cannot help me even write on a fag packet some appeal court nonsense ideas how to roll back this injunction... no time and anyway they all say i am daft to even think of trying.... cmon can you help me..i know i havent paid that last bill of £200 from a 2 years ago ...[his executors did actually call me about a year later fuck does no one know what love is..] .."
"nahh its so out of all our pay grades...i wouldnt know where to start..... i wouldnt waste your time.... "
" look....its still about them attacking MY know love always was the force here ... true simple love the way Esti allowed you also to love her....
"i shall ponder...have a rest.... cannit even afford petrol cash down to London let me see....... see if anyone else can help me draft something...i have nothing to lose probably it is silly of me....doesnt affect me... the media i did speak with they know the truths thats all that matters ....someone is 'witness'.... as for me just costs me money in coffees and loitering doing media ..."
FF a few months
I lost a bit! (of this) ran out of data and didnt autosave silly me dont blame anything but me for for noticing....and then 1 hr to buy data miracle saved what is above..this is now costing me, had to buy unlimited data for phone the one layby where there is good signal.... 'home' is for the rich be it
"Ian ...aww i was hoping yuou could come theyve given me the Big Man.... shikes.... never been to RCJ ... and its a dank day ...i tried all the usual numbers none will come and hold my hand.... its as if i am sent to Coventry by yellow van as we used to say of the Denbigh Mental collection service.... hmm... tried em all.... well at least i had ok night found a quiet free parking by Westway very west of london .... jolly good sleep actually despite freaked going to see the hangman alone... "
"i shan't even comment still don't really know why you're bothering.... but then i know you.... i shall not criticise..."
FF a few hrs:
Young very black man with extremely wonderful smile, usher...or rather usher+ you could just tell he went boozing with Wall LJ too...his manner....was just lovely....jokey smiley just me and him in that rather dingy basement court....looked so pathetic me sat there like i was about to see the headmaster in the gymn no one else around ...
In he comes, and what a smile.... and what a babe of an official fulltime slave babe whatever they call the assistant to his Lord Justiceship who probably does all the actual work.... she's right flirty and bouncin.... almost gigglin...
" ahh Mr claton how truly wonderful to meet you at last..."
[whats is game is this softening up before he reverses everything..]
[ff 6 or so more months Peter...i shall remeeber his name, posh name, lives Crickhowell way....Lordly English...." oh we have Potter to stay now and again... he may well be official head of that whole civil division and the Appeal Court but his wife tells us how she sits in the back of his courtroom usually, and she monitors the case, and indeed she decides exactly what her husband will decide and Order..."]
back to a day in December 2005 I'm not bothering to look up the date:
"so i do hope you had a splendid journey down ..i do love your part of the country.....
"so lets see yes i think we all know this and that...oh yes Anthony Kirk QC was for mother oh Antony and i are great friends often have a round of squash or two before hookers and cigars.... [so revealing the way he said the part of that phrase he actually did say... he knew...and he knew me...because i knew Angel Kirk....
" so yes ...all these governemt consulations on the topic.... all these minsiters on the wirless and all this hullabaloo.....
" whats say you and i sort it all out once and for all...... ohh how is your delightful daughter...?
" what do you feel about us having THE test case on it all I mean a subject this big we will need my assisatant ...oh strike that from the record as a slip of the tongue, The President without hos wife Sir Mark Potter, me as his number two in the power structure everyone except him knows is not quite true...and yes another superstar judgey and that way it really is as big as it gets...
FF 30 min for a therapeutic hooker and cigar..
"ian.... i just discovered what all those dreadful public schoolboys go on about a true greek god.... giving kairos and also giving true honour ...Ian we won...i know it already we won.... i mean the shistains havent dried yet and one minute with him god he's rather lovely flawed but i can see a faker and he is human ... he wants us Ian he wants us to win .... I have had some moments these last few years but none like that..... none so pivoting to quote the bbc endlessly in 2020.... he does have love for some of us...its like in a way we are his family.... i never experienced anything like it .... i wouldnt like to be on the wrong end of him i can see he enjoys the handing down something not so simply miraculous.... take it from me because he knows me he knows i can see a liar and thief a million miles away but he said to me ....lot of reading betwen the lines he actually said matey you earned it...i know about your mad open the doors applications no one else is as daft and arrogant [he would later josh with me in public even a dumb lawyer said " that means he likes you..."
" but the way he said it...he said all the rest are pretenders... even Pelling a rather docile little Rotweiler snapping at the wrong trouser leg.... he said this is the one to change it all..... fuck me how stupid am i i dont even need it.... and none of you lot bothered to help.... so what the fuck next ??? where do i start.... suppose you still havent got any time to help and anyway nor should are out there every day saving lives... lives soon to be destroyed by cafcass and all their vile cousins...i am nothing but, it was worth my absurd decision just to meet him...I met a real man at last... "
FF - well its not official but the correspondence between myself and the various superstar QCs who now are biting at my trousers, in fact tells the real story that you the taxpayer need to be sick about because they cannot even do basic simple law that Ian Mckay and a few others had also got into the statutes a few months earlier to a minor fanfare..... which says i can show my court papers to who the fuck i want if they may be potential legal assistance....
And when you operate law-on-a-shoestring with balls what you do is email Dodd's office saying lying about not having the time to rattle off a copy for the most well known Mckenzie in uk well respected by all senior HC judges, who wants a look at the papers too....when you cannot afford the photocopying "you get first look as you are suprmemo family law panel chair, if you promise your clerk rattles a copy over to Mr TG ...
"oh sorry we are not allowed by law to do that....lawyers only.."
"are you not aware of Mr Mackay and Ors precedent here it is on balii citation etc.... saying top judgeypoos says oh yes you can.....?"
And they STILL state it is unlawful..... to do what a very simple judgement categorically allows.
But here is the only bit that matters...
(blah blah Ian me so little time..... Ian i am not daft if I get in my rant at them all BEFORE i get a QC they have to put my rant in their bundle.... it becomes part of the case thats the lore.... i shall bide my time and enjoy the freedom of being a say what the fuck i want... thats what Wall wants me to do...well he didnt say so explicitly but read his interview in 2010 i think it was he called SS sometimes STASI and Maoist.... well lets go ALL the way....)
2006 excerpt of official statement / skeleton / case written argument to Appeal Court 26 feb 2006
All the way defo prominent in the soundtrack... but exactly THIS version :
item, quite high up in the page,
The only purpose of this injunction is to protect the
judiciary and Family Justice system at a time when rightly and as is regularly
accepted even in the courts (for example see the comments of LJ Ward, Lady J
Arden. LJ Scott Baker. 21st dec 04. in the Hockenjos case at the
But i cannot lie unlike that little piece of spivvy shit in front of LJ Baker about 2014 or 15 'for' a mother who refused to cooperate with 10 year known best practice... laid down simply be me in re z they had on that table too....who said he was "from Families Need Fathers" yet knew none of their founding principles... or what doing the work the courts are paid to do yet fail means... and always is starting point before any long holiday to other jurisdictions very much behind some yellow brick road...
Every other word i blood...wingin it...
but that one; he died only a few months later so no one knew and he did not know WE won.... and so cannot raise an eyebrow if i claim it as mine. But that would be lying and it WAS the very best line of this all. Except for a few court official staements where judges are called to their face 'venal'.... which is the worst insult you can make to a judge. Extraordinary how a real man treats you with respect even if he can ruin your whole life that moment, the next time he sees you, you having correctly insulted him.
"hows about this...look i just got no time even to eat healthy.... but ...look you can do it theres a line ive been wanting to weave in against his Lord Fuckin Justice years....are you up to, do it.....sneak this in 'The only purpose of secrecy dressed up as privacy is to protect the judiciary and Family Justice system ...'..."
"well thats a bit strong even for me.... i mean it hasn't got my nuclear word concomitant in either that always gets their eyebrows twitchin...... but what the hell....all the way til the wheels fall off and burn matey.... now you will be there wont you you better had be this is our day..... and you are sitting next to me matter what....ok.... gotit...! ill tell Wall if you fail me and ill get a get a public humiliating ... adjournment...I am not doing it without you this time....youre my only friend in this all the rest well...blessem but no heart..."
And as for all the nonsense from fake journalists in the years between i cannot even remember my own citation number should be tattooed on my arm the blood it cost...#
ahaaa balii "search c a child 2006" nope....
well silly me....
We actually got to keep our NAMES which was what it was always all about
paper version is much nicer to look at...another day....
which i never bothered even reading....all that matters is the last paragraph really
Every case gets a Clayton test at the end which actually was their official line for some time in every case for some years or so i was told....My impression is that there are unlikely to be many cases in which the continuation of that protection will be required
- I would also like specifically to repeat and re-emphasise my endorsement of what the President says in paragraphs 77 of his judgment. I have already stated my
that it may take time for the implications of our judgments in this case to filter through, and there may be some initial debate in individual cases in relation to the application of our judgments to the facts of those cases. In these circumstances, it would plainly be sensible for every court, at what it perceives to be the conclusion of proceedings under CA 1989 to take a few moments to consider whether there are any outstanding welfare issues which require a continuation of the protection afforded during the pendency of the proceedings by CA 1989, section 97. My impression is that there are unlikely to be many cases in which the continuation of that protection will be required: such considerations are, however, in my
view best addressed at the time when the parties and their advisers are still before the court at the final hearing.
RE Z ... the end and the beginning....
But.... now when the (said to be) #3 Judge in the whole house of cards says "remarkable" and "template" ... gosh how hard it was for 4 or 5 years to actually get other idiot so called family professionals to even consider this (by later that decade no longer Highup) so famous judges words (he was radio 4 #1 go to judge for serious judgely things too...)
But there's the real thing. In fact sexist bigot too: my Good journos page is rather bereft indeed a sexist pig collation, especially when I actually did once get a plane to the other side of the world to hand over the GREAT journalism book, and i have photos of the handover.... to Z herself.... (codename for Estelle). Late 18th birthday pressie. But symbolically presented in a small Bolivian city which represents giving it to the man.
And no matter what anyone else may think, that was the right thing to do, even if it ended up in the bin, as I know it is the most boring book in history because with the very best of journalism she showed us in that book is simple well researched stories without any whizzes and bangs tells the reality of us. That's your neighbour too.
Which is in fact the only book of journalism which has ever truly got to my soul - humbled me inside, made me shut up and just appreciate the true hard work, she did in writing that book as its so damn dull.... as is real life ...and she so diligently took her range of case studies and explained how it is the drip drip of a loose cabal who in fact you can never know the truth of, or even who they are, drip drip bit by bit they chip away and yes also the 'costs order' is always the true unsexy great weapon.... thats the one so many year and perverts in fact so much of justice....
And although Joan Baez far more a bright-eyed companera in life, that other Bobsong god the anodyne Brits simply cannot get how ultimately satisfying it is - maybe too much so, being a bit of a goliath basher.... it should be fun in fact and whatever i do to weave the rest of this tale its the fun element though one thing is as sure as ferrets are ferrets it neither gets you friends or any real happiness, only the quiet private achievements do that like getting z to settle down after a rare uppity period and one day ask for ones hand walking down the street after biting it the last few weeks ... sort of appreciating we both did our best and her best to be a stroppy 7 year old wasnt enough to get me to show any sadness and worry even if it was within....
But thats the other little snippets its now tome to start to enjoy as i like summer.
The one thing above all though that i would love to understand since all the above is the motivation of others.... to fight and more often not fight when they display genuine hurt at whatever the greedy baddies are up to against them.... is it that the just possible costs element so so has everyone by the balls....
someone once wrote "when you aint got nuthin you got nuthin to lose...." which i believe is far to expensive to get onto a soundtrack unless .... well dont be daft...
But it sure powered this LIP out of the house a fair few days up on the hill, not a neighbour for some miles.... very loud.... "right ready for the arena now.....fuckem"
Right i have t somehow make this look like its all the right elements....and the one journo above all who did say that, knew us well, he doesnt answer his request just for a bit of help....
ugghhh.... in my world an ally if for life.... not this turgid Isle...
ANd my 3 or 4 most ranty well off middle class bloke friends had years are absolutely apoplectic about freedom of speech...freedom to be informed... the last year has been deplatformed shadowbanned or worse out of all reality (and i have checked and can read PROOPPER DIFICULT SCIENCE and these are not the lunatic fringe .... i have perfect health even if certain people have to be told otherwise like council tax.... and even i had a very unpleasant real unquestionable bad reaction a week ago at jab day ... total shock didnt even take notice of needle breezed off more than happy can leave uk now soon, but flip a few hours later a frozen shoulder a week ...........and my mental health is absolutely 110% ... not in the mind, not any other issue... not that i care which i dont i dont sue ever..... though have 3 more years still to consider something .... so nasty its daft.....