Monday, 18 November 2024

Errata 09.46

 I said 09.47

Broadcasting House

You will find no more functional person than me...

For 25 years always up at 05.30

No matter what.

ALWAYS sharp as a razors edge despite the razors taken to my only care - my 'family'...

As i said  ....LAUGHTER the only test of real healing

Anyway the best most evolving thing of all is FAILURE! World record failing...

The chap on radio 4 yestermorn 09.47 clarifies my WHOLE 'cause' - even if the 2006 case was to seek the right to speak openly about the MAIN useful legal advance in the 2005 case that was put into Jordans Family LAw in full (that never happens) as it was said to be important "template" reform for the whole ferkin bowl of rotten cherries that family 'justice' had become : MEDIATION BY DEFAULT, and the first ever 'Parenting Agreement'  - called Esti's Bill of Rights... Esti went on radio 1 June 2006 to be interviewed about hahh hahh...

After we had had a long day whoring ... around the studios...  for good purpose...  to pimp a useful obvious solution ....I meet people the last decade whose whole lives have been saved by THEIR 'parenting agreement'...

she prob wont even remember but what FUN even if a bit tired so a bit wobbly... nevertheless it did make a dif!

Both became a few years later written into the court forms  from 2010ish (c 100 )  - the real 'victory' !...

And by a weird twist the washout of 2010  John Hemming fat twat didn't even bother voting in...  came in, returning the 'default' position to pre me - everyone gagged forever.... but the powers that be knew was so dodgy they didnt even give it the stamp until 2013 i think...

which means that yestedrday the splendid man on the wireless has to  still once more skirt around 'anonymity' lore

my whole cultural change was to change so we could LEARN truths to help others... 

Mao and Stalin back in charge...

As JAmes HAnning the then very senior powerful Ass Ed of Independent on Sunday said to me 2004 (i knew him well as randomly his family had a really lovely mouldy unmodernised  old cottage by Hay i rented in 1995 ish )

" simon... us newspapers have our balls in the public's vice... nobody wants to read a story ' a child/parent who cannot be named for legal reasons..' so we never print them......if there is state directed vice [ all top journos knew the state was Stasi!]...  the basics of journalism are  that reporting on any injustice or fat bluehair ignorant cow mooing in court when she should be farting as they speak such toxic crap it kills families for decades........ WHO.. where what when why...of the injusticed..... and you need a picture too .."

Anyway myself all i care about is writing or maybe podding one of the classic waffles upon...HOW TO LIVE ON.... after the worst failure in history... to not even hold on to my law.... (though that was the work of the dreadful fakes at Families Need Fathers and other so called 'campaigners' to  carry on protecting EXTREMELY well worked through legislation - my 2006 [started 04-5]  anti anonymity drive had MILLIONS of pounds behind it - two government 'consultations' leding up to it... and 100s of hours of top judge time pondering reform... resulting in the Nov 2005 to Feb 2006 totally 'staged' top test case... 

showbiz!  ... but by 2010 to 13 the whole London 'campaigning' world  especially families Need fathers had been taken over by limp wristed child-men who didnt deserve to be fathers as they had no balls to keep up the fight

oops errata as 1/3 or more were also women 'campaigners'  - just as useless (Heidi Newman founder of Mothers4justice using my 2006 changes a superwoman WITH balls.. but then all the mad harridan drippy moaners took over...moaning about "injustice" - for show.... but never able to DO their cases..... too busy moaning on Fakebook ) ...

basically they all went mad and thought online endless character assassination " s/he is narcissist .."  which started around 2010 also  via FAkebook... such that the whole world paints anyone not them as 'narcissist'..   all gone mad...rather than fight to protect a law change that EVERY top judge mid 2000s and EVERY real journalist from mid 2000s  knew was important (and they supported me.. Gibb and many of the then top female ones who did actually CARE - you should have heard magnificent Sue Reid of The Mail slagging off the top bewigged / ministerial  cunts to me on the blower.... or dead Mrs Robinson of ITV This Morning..... unlike the  non journalists of now  - Berg Tickle et all just doin it to look good... and lying they care)

most wonderful total failure in history! (and in another way too the most wonderful Social Worker in history heard me share yesteraft...) you can live on long as....

well... you have to eventually laugh at it all... and fight other battles a tad..or best of all write EVERY single word of it in a range of Homeric poetic Odysseys... i love to attempt

for fifteen years...

Especially THIS morn way before dawn...

At last motivated by finding the one English reader i never knew may exist...

Randomly found on.... "The Way.."  just a maybe temporary two year riff it like it is.. SUPER energised now after one yesterday encounter (utterly anon..unless takes two to tango)

good for me

That is a genuinely enjoyable thing one of various good for the soul things i discovered over 15 years...

HOW...ever....  there is only one fundamental thing of being human for centuries..

There is 'oppression' or power battle....   even if she is a really "simon problem with social workers is 70% are just THICK" to quote senior social worker Rachel Bramble/ Mulhally  - named as she sought attention in public... in 2010 to me...

there are two sides - if you are affected by the ignorant or cruel in a REAL way - rather than making up, for Woman's Hour  appearance expense fees and FAkebook postin'... say.... menopause is something to be pitied for...(which i think only adds to the mind/body distraction that it has turned into ...  blokes have bodily change too which causes mental static )

 genuine life changing bad acts ...

then there should be REAL solidarity within those on the same side of that millennia long equation...  fat power ganging up against others...

 shared oppression should bring people closer... 

sadly i think that ended and hope ever!

and i have even lived knowing that.... but every morn a decade awake bright eyed "bushy tailed" at way before winterdawn...always...

just poetically ponderin on 'causes' ....sometimes doin'

I have absolutely no idea why

except that i CAN...

I wish i knew just one other person whom also...COULD