Saturday 5 October 2024

Vetting! for the vet

If the most beautiful vet in the universe looks in here.

Quick essay here - link below,  on ....WHY ...ferrets for kids. 

And link to many lovely videos of ferrets and kids.


 this site isnt really for kids even if it was ONLY 'for' kids.

Mr Schism is  rather frank on all of life. And thus not for kids except some of the best ferret videos i put up 5 or 6 months ago on ralphscism, and in a large folder via that link - above in in that post, , are  the best  ferret (only) film in a quite safe google drive folder  - i have many 100 more clips one day to put in there.... you dont get to win the Chatsworth Supreme ferret show  day unless you look after animals, perfectly.. the ferret people - many dozen would be at every show vying for showing the most wonderful real animals and got to know us over that time us attending 4 or 5 shows a year......rthey  judge ALL about you...and they adopted my daughter as their favourite for 5 years. Until she was stolen.. thats what defying the most famous  ever High Court resolution (printed out in full in the lawbooks as "template" for others by Hedley top High Court judge  - i got sacked eventually - only on his gagging order a fundamental madness, but the other stuff  we did on resolution and peace plans.. errata i did on resolution and peace plans...was very good i am not a shrinking violet) , is.. theft...whisked off to Stockholm (syndrome) the year after.

At age 10 1/2 she  was even made an official judge - cojudge but with REAL power, at the Chatsworth House (main annual show)  ferret Champonships - white coat and badge... in front of a large crowd gathered. she being judgerly and looking every inch the pro...

NO nepotism..Northern ferret folk demand purest justice from their judges