From: Simon
Clayton []
Sent: 12 January 2024 15:12
To: '' <>;
'' <>
Subject: FW: BBC whistleblower
Two emailings out only, to grown
up journalism
Perhaps one of you may take
If so 07958 526381
Quite simply as a lifelong (40
years of an adult life) democrat and scholar of good journalistic standards,
the BBC - once ok, has sunk to a new low. Although this is
something i have a fully referenced chronicle of over the last two years.
Someone needs to take em
down,... or begin to hold them to account for a gross and indecent waste of
public time and money. I have a full professionally sourced and referenced
write up on what follows. ( some is on my website - link below)
If you scroll down to the first
of these short forwarded emails you will see a link to my site where i begin to
try and write a sane and punchy summary critique of what is the (2 year)
culmination of a celebratory BBC journey into justice reform. Their two
main journos Berg and Tickle have ‘lead’ the charge.
( i live off grid and all of many
laptops have bust keyboards hence so many typos – i am extremely literate and
have read Bernhard’s Extinction...twice...)
It’s not going to get a Pulitzer
being a rather dull subject to the great majority, however there are 100s of
thousands of citizens (all parents) who know of (and ONLY
celebrated) my important work and how literally the BBC cabal of worst
journalists in history have simply destroyed a most valid use of the fourth
estate. These two journalists and their infantile production teams, have
singlehandedly destroyed. (it really is very obvious how).
I am ALWAYS right. On December
29th 2008 i alone told all the top broadsheets and many senior legal
campaigners, that Jack Straw had hoodwinked parliament. All said i was on
drugs, and needed sectioning. Only two months later The Times legal
editor ran a piece i had all but written for Frances Gibb then legal ed,
advising the nation Straw was a “hoodwinking” lowlife. Within a few weeks on
the telly he did a u turn on the subject i alone put everyone right on....
From: Simon
Clayton []
Sent: 12 January 2024 13:27
To: '' <>
Subject: BBC whistleblower
Hi i used to be a fairly well known person to Sue
Reid your superb elderly stateswoman of a REAL journo! campaigner and uks most successful MEDIA
LEGAL activist
I sent this to her at an old email address i have
for her
Or maybe someone else may like to expose this
dystopian narcissism at BBC - i have full chronicle
From: Simon
Clayton []
Sent: 12 January 2024 13:15
To: '' <>
Subject: womanshour/ FW: LORD STRATHCLYDE (and Hanning)
Hi you will have had Tickle/Berg
on today
They are frankly a travesty to
Says the ONLY person who had the
‘court secrecy’ issue entirely reformed 2006 alone... me
They are now obstruction in
their complicity
(MANY senior women journalists
from 2005 supported me in PERSON Claire Dyer, Frances (f) Gibb legal editor
Time, Sue Reid Daily Mail, Denise of ITV This Morning, many others (see my
newsprint on site below)
From: Simon
Clayton []
Sent: 12 January 2024 13:02
To: '' <>
Subject: hi if you are still on this YOU get the big congrats
Hi Sue
hope you are well.
Just attempting to keep some real true version of history as
the awful newage journalists make it about THEM
07958 526381