That's almost a FULL HOUSE.
young woman
and DEAD (arguably earlier than she may have been courtesy some cunt judge of the British 'state')
NB listen to radio 4 segment below where the father quite sanely and coherently states the GAGGING of this adult - his dying daughter, by these idiotic courts, meant that they could not launch a funding appeal for her alternative treatment. Such appeals nowadays are ubiquitous and often very successful raising very large sums of money.
had she been a CHILD = "BINGO... full house..."
I really didn't emphasise in life story, but...
No matter what i know the facts:
Today at the High Court to ungag the name of a DEAD person....
I would bet my last good tooth that in the representation to the Appeal Court....FIRST 'precedent' quoted to the judgie poos - they are called "case AUTHORITIES" for a reason ..Will have been the case of
(nb in intro it lays out the rare occurrence of 2 x LORD JUSTICES and 1 x LADY JUSTICE = their findings as soon as announced IN EFFECT become new immediate law due their seniority - it is very rare that 3 LJs or above are present thats the POINT of this 'test case' to have such senior judiciary gathered on the stage it BECOMES in effect new law)
AND....a week later the defacto head of all these family and associated civil courts Lord Justice Wall in his speech on the new transparency regime I alone bought in refers to the 'Clayton' case 30+TIMES
in this published (in legal bible) speech was DESIGNED in 2006 as the new overriding legal authority, FULLY DEBATED BY THE HIGHEST JUDGES IN THE LAND...- designed to be THE modernisation of ALL THE law dealing with even adult cases (yes in the 'court of protection' as today but many other areas of law as well)
Because you the uneducated gossipy fat binge tv watching moron....couldnt care about anything and thus rarely even read a bad book never mind goodish one (i mean literature ) and only read inane newspapers where even Eton uneducated journos like Mr X i new well many years and never sued him for the electric blanket near killing us (other website stories) are so lazy they rarely report anything accurately... and unless we - the ctizenry, are VERY careful the state gaggs all sorts of people even dead ones... for all sorts of reasons, which are ALWAYS the same... vested interests, dont like the truths being told...
And.... in the whole of the 2000s.... and even likely 2010s...(i know as i then knew everyone who was actively legal against the establishment) ....only ONE person alone - the aforementioned legal campaigners all telling me i was bonkers - a mental case to even try, and they DID mean it) ...decided to go ALL the way with a case that didnt really even affect him - it was a PRINCIPLED...TEST CASE...
so that she.... even today....can be named and you can see her picture. and here her lovely words....
NO one else even got within shooting distance of this cultural legal change.... and cunts like my supposedly educated Hay-on-Wye 'friend' the Mormon ....try and take that away from you hahh hahh..... i know he did NOTHING ever with his life....took no UK you have no idea IF they (vested interests) took 'revenge'...on me.... (2010) .... but so what. At least i had. quite by accident and unplanned, something worthwhile to die of, trying to live
All is only ever about VESTED INTERESTS... never in history has any vested interest wished openness....
Some vested interest did not want her named so the papers would not run the story (" a person who cannot be named for legal reasons" many newspaper eds in 2004/5 told me is a death sentence for any story - they rarely run them as the people dont like them) and in running the story also perhaps identify them as maybe acting not quite as purely as the ordinary members of the public may assume...
'I want to die trying to live': Tragic words of teen who can finally be named after NHS court fight
A courageous teen who battled NHS to keep her on life support can finally be named, a court has ruled.
Sudiksha Thirumalesh died after a legal battle with an NHS trust over her treatment - and now she can be named after a judge's ruling at the London Royal Court of Justice.
The 19-year-old, who had a rare mitochondrial disorder, was involved in a court fight with an unnamed NHS trust over whether she should be moved into palliative care.
The Court of Protection heard Ms Thirumalesh – who could “communicate reasonably well” with her doctors – wanted to travel to North America for a potential clinical trial, described as “experimental”.
Judges were told the A-level student was a “fighter”, and that she had told a psychiatrist: “This is my wish. I want to die trying to live. We have to try everything.”
However, the London Royal Court of Justice previously heard there was a “fundamental disagreement” between the family and the trust over the teenager’s care and what was in her best interests.

Lawyers for the trust said Ms Thirumalesh, who was known as ST during the legal battle, was “actively dying” and was suffering severe respiratory episodes.
“It’s like drowning. She is able to sense what is happening,” Vikram Sachdeva KC told the court in July.
Ms Thirumalesh died on September 12 following a respiratory and cardiac arrest, and, on Friday, her family and their lawyers returned to the Court of Protection to make a successful bid to allow her and her family to be named publicly in relation to the case.......[cont - see weblink for full article]
AND ON RADIO 4 THIS EVENING hear her dads words 12 minutes in
the initial evil judgement is here (today's judgement ungagging them will appear soon - in her name!!)