not out of context.... no one could coach my lass, ever....
see the rest of them.... (films) to see someone who is their own person...always.
but this the best. from 2004 living off grid ....while 'proceedings' ongoing !! I won... oh they tried
except it has one, neigh two, glaring errors by the old duffer.
1. Shakespeare, sorry pathetic... furthermore should be deplatformed as his female characters i heard a scholar of him a few years ago suggest all have things done TO them...
whist George Elliot even if so what she has to use the platform of one of us blokes... my favourite in all of literature, her chap does it to..... ALL the gentry, petit bourgeoisie, liars, church the lot....
That is the greatest writer of all time. That is a writer with actual courage.
2. The woman who gave us the song. Should i have said, Dominic Boothroyd a few months earlier with so criminal slander on behalf of his client at thousands a day, actually sent her roaming because she was so upset to see the most disgusting lies ever on your taxpayer's money when she had been so charming so kind and generous to Mr Boothrod's clients... both of them... just a few weeks earlier. Face to face. SOmhwere where she chose to be to meet them when she need not.
And she so so loved the lass and maybe even her dad, and knew he loved her.... and the way she loved our rescue hedgehogs and ferrits.... and everything, well... i never knew a better woman... but the lass more than anything... she knew what magnanimous love was. And they sent her a roamin... but when you have true empathy for lost lunatics embittered (well before 2002) you can still listen to the beautiful art and not blame 'them'....
but real errata if anyone would think i have the slightest axe to grind ((I do that for a living except as every woman i know in the countryside states it is the default to lying that is causing so so so much damage to the liars... well i knew that 20 years ago! ... feminism or equality is nothing when based on so so so many lies... if i were a woman i would want it done only correctly as it should be AND IT IS EXPTRAORDINARY HOW AFTER A LITTLE SHOCK FROM ABOUT mAY 2020 ...accidental cap.... many women seemed to agree with me... never mind 1/4 of population state they are now really worried about free speech... . )
the only question, would it be healthy for a certain person to know that i would not have one second of my own life any deferent, and that includes every second to this second now. Which is the definition of my axes always kept sharp and no grinding needed...