Friday, 12 November 2021

Harret Harman lovely equalicist woman

 celebrating daddy issues...

"Dad... he winked at me.... old grizzler..... "

"well lassie since he has seen that Hemming paid out £250 ticket for us  and he is below us on the page we are on,  and he knew full well i would bring you he knew you were at the big day at Appeal court even if they wouldnt let you in..... and this whole EXTREMELY expensive all the bigwigs here day [that hotel the russian was poisoned ina  week later] is actually about you.... i think her realises he may be a little friendly nown again...wont hurt and he won't get bewigged....... no one will strike him off for being human.........I mean his keynote speech he didn't even have the manners to put in my firstname with all his 'Clayton'....being is well.... it is our day..... that's a gent for you....

"oh hi... Anthony...[Douglas] how nice to meet you in person at last.....such a shame that so called campaigning journalist John Sweeney was bullied into not being here at the last minute by his bosses he told me on the phone this morning it was all very sinister. . anyway here she is.... your underlings couldn't ruin her life and we are genuinely honoured to meet you..including little Z here ... oh yes you have seen the newspaper coverage ALL journos were told no money ever our price is her actually award winning ferrets must be in the article  or no story.....that is called child centred journalism, where they own a bit f the coverage too...... she knows who you are it's called real education for  meeting those in charge of those whom tried to persecute - a gentleman like Lord Justice Wall forgets the past and moves on, we forgive you..... talking of which.... and your smile looks sincere enough....we shall see..... oh hang on a real woman we must meet...

"lass..... as surely the best example to you of a woman managing to get all the way to the top....superb example to you..icon..... hopefully a moment may change your life coming up woman to woman,  none of this pathetic daddy and his highfalutin democratic  issues....... . now the room is cleared would you like to meet Minister Harriet... sat up there at top table all alone now just her and her red box........ let me ask the security here if we may come and introduce you, after all we've been talking all afternoon here all these great and good,  only because of you.... "

"god dad yea wow...i mean anyone can be Anthony Douglas, but Harriet wow....superwoman..."

" .... "

a look is more than any million words, her 'never' with just one glance.... and then the next to security which i bet was code for take off the safety catch.

(none of which is in my movie - oops ours, because it ends one day in 2006...well before such fun as above, only fun as the expenses paid me to reconcile outside said venue with favourite lover  ever, hadn't seen a  while....and being part of the demos for a child with a child is a duty in a mature society....... and the ending is not is real)

curiously not much a real record (online) about that day

so so much money spent - grand places grand meals grand suits... except for poor Sweeney....

quite sure this is another hoodwink...

because i remember a room of agreement and celebration it was at last dealt with fully in..."Clayton" 

Wall's eyes sparkled with satisfaction 

and i have very very very good records of so so much...