Saturday, 13 November 2021

but, backup...

 I mean pathetic moaners the likes of Brees, blessr er...all that hysteria she warbled into her eyephone from summer 2020.

'we' - though my case was never about 'me' it was simply universal  even if LJ Wall fantasised in his gin addled dreams Universal were in touch with me...  from about 2008 when all the Facebook 'warriors' started to put up their stories ...  errata, badly written mess often in the wee small hours when any caring parent should be well into her third hour of sleep because that is how you retain splendid mental health so as to parent your child fully and properly,  would post " nasty Facebook have removed that last video/post.."  well you backup. Have plan A and B ...never mind parent your children properly by explaining when they are three " remember Noah and his flooding  they brainwash you in kindergarten  with, especially in little fringe counties of the UK, well i bet he lost all his tax returns silly man as he never made a copy and kept it safely on higher ground... well that should be a lesson to everyone always assume the worst especially with Windows 10 it can just eat everything so always make tripple airgapped... "   

So yes this self important hysteria "oh theyve taken me down " looking into her eyephone eye to eye so self pitying... i mean sadly the not very literate who took to the airwaves of their facebook 2008 knew full well anything can get removed..anything can happen...always have a few plans in your back pocket and that is sane good journalistic practice.

There are plenty of alternative ways you can upload material... the superb bootleggers of for example The Bard, have been using filestrores in the cloud for years.... fine swashbuckling free speech organisations that appreciate SOMEone will always be after something published, for money, gain or personal PR reasons why the EU laws on right to be forgotten are appalling and a rare EU madness as the rich ones can of course afford all that time and lawyer dosh to trawl for things that can be argued in court as takedown appropriate,  so make the bar very very high as to what can be blocked...

or grow up and not care.... except of course as always anything illegal by many decade established statute - kiddy fiddling and violence the real incitement versions...