which loops back into my own advance - if it was.
A certain 'philosopher king' referred to in above waffle. And anything I waffle i would not even wish to geolocate to any specific place or person. because the definition of 'shabby' and also a terribly bad example to any young person, never mind inability to understand the real history of the history he publicly takes your money speaking and writing about, is perfectly personified in our first encounter.
Dad and daughter, wandering the hills 2008ish with ordinance survey map held out front teaching daughter map reading, and manners. Way up in the hills above the town of not very free speech on the English Welsh borders.
" i think it is time we go and maybe see if we can meet our neighbour a mile yonder relocating back here from the big city.... but we will be polite and not intrusive..... so you see this map line here it is a public footpath.... now it goes through his front yard right in front of his front door it looks like to me.... what we will do is stay on the promulgated pathway thats been there centuries until we come to a 100 or so metres from the house area - completely isolated like ours, we will afford them privacy and loop around and rejoin the path 100 metres beyond.... of yes i can see a style up there past the house area that will be where this pathway connects with that thousands of year old drovers pathway ... main thoroughfare up and down this hidden valley...."
5 mins later... rock star clothed quite old man is on the latter pathway as we arrive at intersection...
"how hi.... we are on a walk along the ordinance survey map promulgated pathway.... hey we are your neighbours up there..... nice to meet you at last.."
smiley Keith Richards styled super philosopher and historian:
"oh hi.... but there's no pathway along here ... don't know what you mean, but anyway hey ...nice to meet you...oh so what's that on the lead...a weasel? "
An 8 year old knows when all is not right when even in his kingdom writing on historical rights in front of an 8 year old he cannot even manage to admit a right of way many will indeed have died to secure...
Fast forward a year looking after said superphilosopher's land.... too busy up and down to London in three cars for three family members every other day despite i bet years later taking loads of your lucre for 'environmental' talks at his little festival trying to bugger the bigger one as public school boys can be very jealous little things...
A conversation not heard: " hmm yes.. the barn conversion.... or rather ancient dwelling barn unused years.... if they know about the bats i will never get it through.. the permission.... is there any way they can... well just not be there.... any more?"
None of which interests me, would have interested others at the time perhaps. But here is the thing, it's just about Google or fuckaduckgoon or whatever..
Years of listening to silly people say silly things like "when the printing presses came along everyone thought great idea, and it will end up with tons of thrown out Daily Mails into the skips of Hay-on-Wye when they lie that its a "Guardian Town.. [i have evidence of both aspects of that comment]... so that the rustics depending on a real fire to live can raid the same skips for fire lighting chip paper ...all will be well"
There is one new matter in respect of the internet that may take decades to internalise simply the name. And instant - well it will take hours t get to a page that has any real truth (no parenthesis if these events do actually happen) of people what with all their spin operations and SEO operations...or libel or EU rules takedowns whatever they are called... the rich will spin... and spend every penny on their image control...the poor never able to afford the time or lawyers or experts...
THis generation of 20-40 year olds simply have a massive new issue never ever before known which is the POSSIBILITY...one day some simpler truths end up available to them online in some fairly quickly searchable manner. That in fact does 'change' psychology. For real for good.
I think the aforementioned Mister Super Philosopher will be known as not quite that super by his offspring no matter what smokescreen of not very good philosophy thrown around... and thus the tale above would be of little surprise. Londoners being half mad is nothing new when they relocate places they can never ever be at peace with because that means days of stoical fence building for example in all weathers...on the cheap as the Londoners put the price up of absolutely everything....except their slaves' wages...
but some not so brilliant phase of behaviour which IS well evidenced... which means journalists for example talking to both 'sides' in say 2010 or 11.... of no import to me whatever but others may be affected by that...for life...
some truer story...or some new story.. that isnt a story it has clear factual evince appended....may arise in quick searchable format some drug addled boozed up descendent one night late at night bored and with their google....may stumble across and deeply affect them inside,, even cause trauma...unless somehow we do grow up and deal with these issues properly. Somehow... have some far more mature overview to the whole thing that yes is even taught in schools.
This 'technology' really has changed the landscape for those unlike myself never bother looking ANYone up as i knew they all spin and lie and only put one of their three faces in any online form. And image control... or others are frightened to write some truth about them. And anyway know the answer to it all is ignore and go and live a genuinely healthy life restoring a neglected and rotting old fence...for the sake of children only...
A far far far more grown up conversation remaining pretty much ONLY on the above issue as it is what REALLY matters to the great majority.... is not happening. And is in fact ,oral and ethical because it is a real people big big change... that is never now going away. dads lying pamphlets in the days of George Elliot or her descendent George Orwell, may be lost or burned or recycled as loo paper, or put out only in the village down the valley and never again seen. This really is different and new.... and maybe does matter. And may take a generation to develop a better common sense parental type advice on it all....
Business opportunity Hil !!!!!!
But anyone whom actually knows me ...a remarkably good new bunch the last 18 months,..a new kind of openness even if forced a tad...... knows that despite in the years of, well about 7 or 8 years ago when it seemed actual eco talk may be possible running up to those elections, preaching Blott on The Landscape" greatest bit of art ever on how to respond" to all their cant and vanity and the fact that the whole area became sheep off to see his not very well lit festival of Light rather than listen to the way the land has been coopted for selfish and unenvironmnetal activity partaken of by lonely ex public school boys to make money out of the poor Hackneyed crowd paying big bucks for trendy yurts in bleak landscapes no bats left to make way for the ecoyurts....
knows i am leaving this landscape for ever...no hope... their spin and unfree speech at £10 an hour frankly ruined everything.... no hope... yurts and expensive soma on the mantlepiece (i bet they have them too!) and when the Labour party sort of ok coordinator of a region where anything but Boris would have indeed caused what they all said they wanted.... despite cowboy hat and old man philosopher look... didn't even know after the fact (day) what 'soma' is... there is certainty no hope. You will find wiser and more well educated folk in Transylvania
as i know for a fact. and she loved the song about her homeland shared just a few days ago... when no one gave a fuck if Tim was a boy or a girl underneath his stockings and suspenders , but genius art.... true spirit of what the fuck..... really did change society for the best.