19 April 2021
Woman's Hour.
One of many examples of sharing perhaps to help others
17 June 2021
Stephanie Boyce Law Society President on the awareness of HRA etc
DRAFT a cobbling together of some stuff. Not all. Some to be kept back for anything next. Purpose, need a compañera or 2 to help get this out. It's time. And what you will not find in this sketch is that bit I wish to share especially with younger social justice warriors or refuseniks: how to do it all so so on the cheap and yet with aplomb; and not let such silly things as megga legal change entirely take over life. Indeed how to live, and fight without stopping still living. Simon Clayton.
19 April 2021
Woman's Hour.
One of many examples of sharing perhaps to help others
17 June 2021
Stephanie Boyce Law Society President on the awareness of HRA etc