plus define a grown up:
Now the last but one of the non kid and non Portuguese Troubadour in the gaolyard with his guitar tales....oh my what a man....
even if the one about biking the world record contempt of The Appeal court March 2006- and i kid not, to the number one..errata number 2 in that court..... saying "ehh whatyer gonna do about this then?" A real man says nothing....
beginning feb 2006 " ...hmmm....who shall i go for...risky....who is so conceited they will play ball and do it my way ..... ? oh yes the Guardian....cant get more conceited self loving nonces than the Guardian [ who would go on to LOSE us Europe snidely undermining the only man who could somehow get BREXIT delayed a bit if strategic alliance had been they had to be snide just cos he grows veg in as....oh whatdyer know a grand fucking 'Material Change" comes alongajust ehhh two months after it, jan 2020 happened..... that would have demanded a review called an eventual second referendum as its been what 6 years .....] Clare.... look i take a great risk...I am in Appeal court gagged so tight i cannot even think my own daughters name, never mind talk to a journalist ever..... i am speaking ONLY to you..... ONLY.... huge rdeal risk so dont drop me innit..."
great picture
fairly good article....
which is perfectly planted by a homespun crustie from the hills to land right in his fat lap...and if anyone else alone no allies has ever dared to do this ...quite quite alone by now.....well i shall eat my old van:
The scene it was funniest thing i ever saw
" M'Lud.... [government lawyer Jubb not 'against' me but against me.... a big wobbler one of those absurdly pompous looking ones whom so loves himsef..].....
"......M'Lud we doth protest, i mean [that look they use] ....did you see nearly choked on my fifth bowl of cornflakes opening my Manchester Guardian this morning.....[the way the fat man goes into ultra wobble-vibrate mode cannot be replicated]..... I mean really me lud.....does this not make the case and ....of the tower with the man..."
A real Man, whom Jubb addressed as actual 30 year power in the place by accident ignoring the so called 'President': [eyebrows oh his eybrows said it all and beaming smile]: "yes i did indeed...and i thought what a rather good article...myself...."
hat wasn't the reason for the "arrogant" ... no one else dares to send a personal letter to a real mans office when he is hanging judge case ongoing ...because our mutual ...real..... friend had died..... cos its so against all the rules its daft.... but that was the best that he could manage under the cirx....